GE Vs Whirlpool Dishwasher (10 Differences Compared!)

Given the popularity of the two brands, you are likely to stumble on a GE vs Whirlpool dishwasher. However, the question is, which of these two dishwasher brands is better? Which one should you go for?

On the one hand, GE dishwashers have more color schemes and are more smart home compatible, better cleaners and dryers, and less noisy. On the other hand, Whirlpool dishwashers are more energy efficient, user-friendlier, spacious, reliable, and affordable. 

So, you are looking at ten differences that set the two apart. We are discussing appearance, smart home compatibility, cleaning and drying performance, noise level, energy efficiency, ease of use, space, reliability, and price. 

I’ll compare the two brands according to those ten factors and give my verdict in each case to enable you to decide which dishwasher to get. 

So, let’s jump in!

GE vs Whirlpool dishwasher

In a rush? Consider the head-to-head comparison between GE and Whirlpool dishwashers in the table below:

GE vs Whirlpool Dishwasher Compared Side by Side (Summary)

Difference GE Dishwasher Whirlpool Dishwasher 
1.Appearance More color schemes Fewer color schemes 
2.Smart Home Compatibility More smart home compatible, thanks to Smart HQLess smart home compatible 
3.Energy Efficiency Energy efficient but not as much as Whirlpool More energy efficient (energy star qualified options)
4.Cleaning Performance Slightly superior cleaning capability Not as superior as GE
5.Drying Performance Slightly superior drying capability Not as superior as GE
6.Ease Of Use Slightly less user-friendly due to many features Simple design and more user-friendly
7.Noise Level Less noisy than GE (some up to 39 DBA)Silent, but not like GE
8.Dish Loading Space Spacious but not as much as Whirlpool More dish loading space thanks to a removable and more adjustable upper rack 
9.Reliability Slightly less reliable than Whirlpool More reliable than GE 
10.Price Slightly costlier ($449 – $ 1649) but has the cheapest option More affordable ($479 – $ 1061)

10 Differences Between Ge and Whirlpool Dishwasher 

Below is a breakdown of the differences between GE and Whirlpool dishwashers: 

1. Appearance 

Externally, both GE and Whirlpool dishwashers have options with fingerprint-resistant stainless steel finishes. That makes them easier to clean and shiny. But away from that, they also have colorful options. 

The difference is that while Whirlpool only offers you a few color schemes such as white, black, panel ready, sunset bronze, and black stainless, GE offers you more. 

With GE comes options like Bisque, white, black, slate, custom panel, black stainless, black slate, and stainless steel. 

Who wins?

GE wins appearance battles for having more colorful schemes. 

2. Smart Home Compatibility

Technology is a crucial factor when choosing a dishwasher, and one aspect to consider is connectivity. Both manufacturers feature their dishwashers with Wi-Fi capability to allow you to pair them with your phone, adjust settings, make downloads, and begin wash cycles. 

The difference is that more GE dishwashers can do that than Whirlpool dishwashers. What’s more, GE smart dishwashers have the convenience of using Smart HQ. This app lets you monitor cycles, lock and unlock the dishwasher, reorder detergent, and get real-time alerts, among other capabilities, all remotely. 

Who wins?

GE wins this battle again, thanks to Smart HQ’s limitless potential. 

is Whirlpool a good brand of dishwasher

3. Energy Efficiency (GE Vs Whirlpool Portable Dishwasher)

GE and Whirlpool dishwashers, especially their portable options, come with almost the same voltage rating (120v) and the same frequency (60Hz). On average, however, most dishwashers use about 1800 watts, and you can expect the same from both brands. 

 The difference is that Whirlpool dishwashers have a slightly lower power rating (about 875W) compared to GE’s 1100W. Both dishwashers are, however, energy efficient, even though you are likely to find more energy-star-satisfied options on Whirlpool than GE.

We even have Eco Series Whirlpool dishwashers, which are more energy efficient and water efficient, and thanks to Boost Cycle, you can save energy with a Whirlpool dishwasher after skipping the scrubbing and dish pre-rinsing cycles. 

Who wins?

Thanks to Boost Cycle and the availability of the Eco Series, Whirlpool wins this battle. 

4. Cleaning Performance 

Nothing beats a better cleaning dishwasher. After all, that’s what a dishwasher is designed to do to clean. GE and Whirlpool employ some of the best cleaning technologies and features to quickly and efficiently wash your dishes. 

On one hand, Whirlpool is known for its Boost Cycle, which I mentioned earlier, that skips the scrubbing and dish pre-rinse cycles. It’s also known for Triple Wash spray, which cleans all three racks; Extra Wash Action, which concentrates on the 3rd rack; Heavy Cycle for the heavily soiled dishes; and Sani Rinse for sanitizing the dishes, among many others. 

As good as these wash cycles and features are, higher-end GE dishwashers offer more. For example, they are known for Ultra Fresh System with Microban technology to provide a cleaner and sanitized experience. 

GE dishwashers also employ Deep-Clean silverware jets to remove stuck food from silverware, Bottle Jets to clean narrow glasses, and Steam + Sani to sanitize and spotless heavily soiled dishes. 

Who wins?

GE wins the cleaning battle for having superior cleaning technology. 

5. Drying Performance 

A good dishwasher doesn’t just clean dishes but also dries them, and that’s an area where both GE and Whirlpool suffice. Whirlpool is notable for the Heated-Dry cycle, which uses extra heat to dry the wet dishes. 

On the other hand, GE is notable for Dry Boost, which dries three times better than regular drying cycles, including Heated Dry. For that reason, GE dishwashers are better dryers. 

Who wins?

GE wins the drying performance battle thanks to Dry Boost. 

6. Ease of Use

As much as GE leans more towards smart dishwashers and offering Smart HQ, which promotes more convenience, there’s no doubt that such many features can be overwhelming. 

GE dishwashers also have many physical controls, which can be intimidating for first-time users. 

That’s unlike Whirlpool dishwashers, which have fewer easy-to-read and easy-to-use controls. Both brands, however, have ADA-compliant dishwashers to make them accessible to people living with disabilities. 

Who wins?

Whirlpool wins the battle as its dishwashers are slightly more user-friendly. 

GE vs Whirlpool portable dishwasher

7. Noise Level 

These dishwasher brands have the most silent dishwashers on the market. Their noise levels, however, differ, and that’s when you decide between them. 

While you can get a Whirlpool dishwasher with a noise level of about 41 DBA, GE top-tier options are available for up to 39 DBA, edging out Whirlpool dishwashers slightly. 

Who wins?

GE wins the noise level battle slightly. 

8. Dish Loading Space 

GE and Whirlpool have some of the most spacious dishwashers on the market. These dishwashers feature adjustable racks that allow you to load more dishes, especially taller ones. 

The difference is that Whirlpool dishwashers feature not only adjustable upper racks but they are also removable, offering more dish-loading flexibility. 

Who wins?

Whirlpool edges GE slightly from having more height adjustable and removable racks. 

9. Whirlpool Vs GE Dishwasher Reliability

When considering the most reliable dishwashers, several factors come into mind: parts durability, repair frequency and cost, and customer satisfaction. 

A 2023 US Appliance Satisfaction Study demonstrates that GE and Whirlpool dishwashers are reliable. In fact, they are among the top 7 even though they perform below the segment average. 

Most of their customers are satisfied with the performance below the segment average. Most of their customers are happy with the performance of the dishwashers, the fact that they are durable and have less frequent repair costs. 

Here’s a breakdown of the study:

RankDishwasher BrandScore out of 100
1KitchenAid 880 

From the above table, it’s clear that the top 3 dishwasher brands are KitchenAid, Samsung and Bosch. Whirlpool and GE don’t perform poorly either, but when comparing the two, more customers are happy with Whirlpool than GE, making Whirlpool dishwashers more reliable. 

According to most customers, Whirlpool dishwashers don’t fail often, and their parts are more durable. And even when they die, getting the replacement parts is easy, making the brand more reliable. However, that doesn’t make GE such a bad dishwasher brand, as the contest is close.

Who wins?

Whirlpool wins the reliable battle as more customers are happier with its performance. 

Whirlpool vs GE dishwasher reliability

10. GE Vs Whirlpool Dishwasher Price

Lastly, these two brands are amongst the most competitively priced dishwasher brands. You can get a budget dishwasher starting from under $500 in both cases. In GE, the price range is $499 – $1649, while in Whirlpool, the price range is $479 – $1061. 

That means GE has both the cheapest and costliest dishwashers. Overall, however, there are more affordable Whirlpool dishwashers than GE dishwashers. 

Who wins?

Whirlpool wins the price battle for having cheaper dishwashers than GE. 

People Also Ask 

1. Is GE A Good Brand of Dishwasher? 

GE is a fantastic dishwasher brand with several advantages. GE dishwashers, for example, are reliable, user-friendly, spacious, and energy-efficient. They are also quite aesthetic, impressive cleaners and dryers, and quiet. 

Overall, GE is a reputable brand producing quality appliances for decades, and their dishwashers are among the most trusted. So, yes, GE is a good dishwasher brand.

2. Is Whirlpool a Good Brand of Dishwasher?

Whirlpool dishwashers have some fantastic advantages over most dishwasher brands. For instance, these dishwashers are reliable, spacious, energy-efficient, and less noisy. They are also good cleaners and dryers and generally come at affordable prices.

Whirlpool has been producing quality appliances over the years, and there are fewer incidences to indicate that something is wrong with the brand. So, yes, Whirlpool is a good dishwasher brand.

3. Is GE Dishwasher Better Than Whirlpool?

Both GE and Whirlpool have tremendous provisions which make one better than the other. GE dishwashers, for example, are better cleaners and dryers and generally less noisy, while Whirlpool dishwashers are more reliable, energy-efficient, spacious, and affordable. 

So, it all points down to which of these advantages matters the most to you, as both brands have something to offer that the other doesn’t.

Concluding Thought On GE Vs Whirlpool Dishwasher:

Above are the ten ways GE and Whirlpool dishwashers differ, and as you can tell, it’s a 50/50 split. If you want a dishwasher with more color schemes and smart home compatibility, a better cleaner and dryer, and less noisy, go for GE. 

However, if you want a more energy-efficient, user-friendly, spacious, reliable, and affordable dishwasher, go for Whirlpool. 

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