Have you tried troubleshooting your Maytag Centennial washer but to no avail? Then you should enter the Maytag Centennial washer diagnostic mode to find hidden fault codes that’ll direct you to the underlying problem.
You can quickly put your Maytag Centennial washer in diagnostic mode by turning the main knob anticlockwise to the 12 o’clock position while in standby mode. Then, turn the knob three turns clockwise, one-turn anticlockwise, and one more turn clockwise.
Once you enter diagnostics, you can view the most recent codes, find more hidden error codes, or recalibrate the washer. And while speaking of finding more hidden codes, you can run a manual or automatic self-test.
This guide will help you do all that and more. We’ll examine what to do if your Centennial washer won’t enter diagnostics, what could cause that, and how to clear an existing error code.
Let’s dive in!

A 5-Step Guide to Entering the Maytag Centennial Washer Diagnostic Mode
Generally, here’s a quick 5-step guide on how to put Maytag Centennial washer in diagnostic mode:
Step 1: Standby Mode
Is your washer plugged in? Just leave it that way but don’t turn it on! That’s how you put a washer on standby mode.
Step 2: 12 O’clock Dial
With your washer on standby mode, locate the main knob or dial and turn it a few times anticlockwise until it assumes the 12 o’clock position.
Step 3: Three-Turn Clockwise
Turn the knob thrice clockwise from the 12 o’clock position. Keep the time interval between each click ½ second.
Step 4: One-Turn Anticlockwise
Turn the knob anticlockwise just one-turn
Step 5: One-Turn Clockwise
Lastly, turn the knob clockwise one more time one-turn to enter the diagnostic mode. Then wait for a few seconds to choose any of these three options:
- View the most recent error codes
- Recalibrate the washing machine
- Run the manual or automatic self-test to find more hidden faults
Let’s discuss the three options.
How to View More Error Codes on a Maytag Centennial Washer?
While on diagnostic mode (as shared in the above guide), turn the main knob clockwise until all the LEDs come on and hit Start. Then wait a few seconds for the washer to display potential error codes.
Quickly write it down and check its meaning online or using your manual. Here’s a guide to various Maytag Centennial Washer Diagnostic Codes that you can use to find the meaning of your error code and troubleshoot it.
After viewing and noting down the error code, you can exit the diagnostic mode by pressing ‘Start’ for a few seconds – perhaps three.
How to Recalibrate or Reprogram a Maytag Centennial Washer
A recalibration comes in handy when trying to reset the washer or clear an error code, and here’s how to do it:
- With the washer on diagnostic mode, turn the main knob clockwise a few clicks until the RINSE LED powers on
- Then close the washer’s lid tightly and hit ‘start.’
- Give the washer some time to recalibrate

How to Find More Error Codes on a Maytag Centennial Washer?
If you want to find more error codes on your Maytag Centennial washer, you may have to do a detailed diagnostic or self-test, and you have these two options:
- Manual self-test – A manual self-test involves pressing Start after your washer finishes the initial diagnostic (the five steps shared above). After that, consult your manual to see what functional keys to press to enter the self-test.
- Automatic self-test – An automatic self-test involves turning the main knob clockwise a few turns until the LEDs power on and then pressing ‘start.’ You should do this after entering your washer into the initial diagnostic mode.
How to Clear an Existing Error Code on a Maytag Centennial Washing Machine?
There are two ways to clear an existing error code on a Maytag washer. One way is recalibration, which I have shared above. The other way is the reset, and here are two ways to reset a Maytag Centennial washer:
Option 1 – Manual Reset (Hard Reset)
This reset technique requires you to turn off the washer and plug it out for at least 20 seconds. Plug it back and press start to see if the error code has cleared. If it hasn’t, plug out the washer for 10 minutes this time around.
Option 2 – Cycle Reset
This reset technique requires pressing Power/Cancel on your Centennial washing machine and selecting a wash cycle. And lastly, press Start/Pause to enable the Centennial washer to reset.
What if Your Maytag Centennial Washer Won’t Go into Diagnostic Mode?
Sometimes the Maytag Centennial washing machine won’t enter the diagnostic mode. If so, here are the must-consider issues:
- An existing error code – The washer won’t enter diagnostic mode until you reset any previous error codes. So, you’ve to reset it to clear the error code before performing the diagnostic steps.
- Malfunctioning door switch – If the washer’s door switch is defective, it’ll stop the lid from latching well, preventing the washer from running. If the washer won’t start, run, or get into diagnostic mode. Thus, you’ll need to replace the door switch first.
- Defective control panel – The washer might not get into diagnostic mode if the control panel is not working, which you can tell from non-responsive buttons. In that case, you must replace the control panel before running diagnostics.
- Drainage problems – If your Centennial washer doesn’t drain, the chances are that it won’t get into diagnostic mode. So, you must check the filter, drain hoses, and pump for clogging and unclog them before running diagnostics.
- Dead control board – Lastly, if the control board is non-responsive, the washer may not enter the diagnostic mode. Hence, replace the main control board before trying the diagnostic.
So, what should you do?
If your Centennial washer doesn’t enter the diagnostic mode, see if there’s an existing error code and clear it by resetting the washer. If there’s no error code, check if the lid is open, and if it is, inspect the lid switch with a multimeter to tell if it has continuity and replace it if it doesn’t.
Then check the controls to see if they are responsive. If only some of them are, replace the control panel. But if none of them is responsive despite the washer having power, replace the control board.
Don’t forget to check for clogging and unclog the affected part (drain hose, filter, or drain pump).

Frequently Asked Questions
1. How Can I Enter a Maytag Washer into Diagnostic Mode?
Here are quick steps for entering the Maytag top load washer diagnostic mode:
- First, put the washing machine on diagnostic mode (plug it into the power outlet but don’t power it on)
- Rotate the main knob anticlockwise several times until it takes the 12 o’clock position
- Turn the knob three clicks clockwise at a ½ second interval between each click
- Then turn the knob anticlockwise and clockwise, one turn in each direction
- Wait for the top loader to display any available error code
2. How Do You Reset Maytag Centennial Washer?
You can reset a Maytag Centennial washer by turning it off and plugging it out of the wall socket for at least 20 seconds. If it doesn’t reset after that, plug it out for at least 10 minutes. Alternatively, press Power/Cancel and wait to select a wash cycle before hitting Start/Pause to complete the reset.
3. What is the Common Problem with Maytag Washer?
Maytag washers face different issues that you can troubleshoot. For example, your Maytag washer may fail to start, spin, drain, agitate, stop, or complete a cycle. The washer could also be noisy or have an error code that causes it to malfunction.
4. What are the Various Codes for Maytag Washers?
A Maytag washing machine may present different error codes to indicate various faults. Your job is to figure out the meaning of the error code and fix it. To help you, here’s a table showing the commonest Maytag washer error codes, their meaning, and recommended action.
Error Code | Meaning | Recommended Action |
LC or LOC | Locked controls | Disable the Control Lock. Just press the LOC key for a few seconds to do it. |
LID | Unlatched door | Check if something is impeding the door from latching and remove it. If there’s none, test the lid switch with a multimeter and replace it if it fails to show continuity. |
DR or DRN | Slow drainage | Check the drain pipe, filter, and pump for clogging and clean them |
OL | Drum overload or large load | Reduce the load size and ensure you don’t exceed the drum’s capacity by more than ¾ |
SD or F0E2 | Excess suds | Avoid using non-HE detergents and use HE options instead. Also, ensure you don’t overuse the detergent. |
OFB | The load is out of balance | Redistribute the laundry load evenly and avoid heaps. While at it, don’t overload the washer |
F3E2 | Water temperature sensor fault | Try resetting your Centennial washer, but if the error persists, replace the water temperature sensor |
F1E1 | Control board malfunction | Try resetting your washer to reset the control board. If that doesn’t work and the issue is not power-related, replace the control board |
LDL | The lid won’t close | Scrutinize the lid to see if something is obstructing it from latching. If there’s none, reset the dishwasher, and if that doesn’t work, replace the lid switch. |
LDU | The lid won’t open | Try resetting the washer to unlatch the lid; if it won’t, call an expert. |
5. What is the SD Code on a Maytag Washer?
The SD code stands for suds. The error code appears when too many suds are detected. In such a case, you could be using the wrong detergent or overusing it.
Thus, it’s essential to use the detergent that the manufacturer recommends, especially HE (high-efficiency) detergent, and use the right amount. Don’t overuse it, even if it’s HE detergent.
Concluding Thought:
Above is a 5-step guide to entering the Maytag centennial washer diagnostic mode. As seen, the importance of running diagnostics is to find hidden error codes which you can use to determine what’s wrong with your washer. Once you find the fault, you can fix it. That saves you from calling and paying a washer expert in the long run.