Generally, you may consider a Maytag Neptune dryer reset for different reasons. For example, you could do it when the dryer won’t start despite having power, after a power failure or cycle interruption, and even when clearing an error code.
You can reset a Maytag Neptune dryer by pressing Power/Cancel two times, choosing a new cycle, and pressing ‘Start.’ Alternatively, you can unplug the dryer or flip off the breaker for 10 seconds or long-press ‘Start’ and choose a new cycle.
So, you have at least four easy ways to reset your Maytag Neptune dryer, and you could troubleshoot numerous issues DIY. Of course, a reset isn’t a magical formula for fixing every issue. And so, I’ll share the problems you can reset on a Maytag Neptune dryer.
But first, let me explain the four techniques you can employ to reset your dryer. So, let’s jump in!

How Do You Reset a Maytag Neptune Dryer?
Below are four ways to reset a Maytag Neptune dryer:
1. Cycle Reset
The Cycle Reset is a reasonable consideration when your Maytag Neptune dryer malfunctions – when it won’t run normally. That also includes when you want to revert to the original settings, and here’s how to do it:
- Locate the Power/Cancel button on your dryer and press it twice
- Then choose a New Cycle and tap start
- Wait for the dryer to reset
2. Hard Reset
The hard reset is often called the manual reset, which involves disconnecting the dryer from the power. Just plug it out and wait at least 30 seconds before plugging it back in.
Overall, this reset is handy when clearing error codes and fixing the dryer when it won’t start because of a power issue or cycle interruption.
3. Breaker Reset
The breaker reset is almost similar to the hard reset. Perhaps the only difference is that you flip the breaker off instead of plugging out the dryer. You, however, have to wait for at least 10 seconds, just like in the case of the hard reset, to flip the breaker back on and restore power.
4. Start Reset
The Start Reset is an excellent alternative to the Cycle Reset, which means you can use it when your Neptune dryer malfunctions. Here’s how to perform the reset:
- Press ‘Start’ for about 3-5 seconds
- Then select a new cycle
- Press start to run the newly picked cycle
- Wait for the dryer to reset

When to Reset a Maytag Neptune Dryer
Now that you know how to reset a Maytag Neptune dryer, it’s important to recognize when to do it and when not to. Here are instances when a dryer reset is advisable:
a) When the dryer has power but won’t start
A Maytag Neptune dryer won’t start for different reasons, and in most cases, it has to do with failed incoming power. But once you rule out the power supply, you may want to reset the dryer first, and you can try the hard reset, or the breaker reset.
Don’t forget to check for other non-power-related issues, such as Control Lock, delayed start, an unlatched dryer door, and a non-working start button. These issues could stop your Neptune dryer from starting despite having power.
b) After a major component replacement
Resetting the dryer after replacing a major component such as the drive motor, thermostat, electronic control board, or any other internal part is advisable. That’s more important when the dryer starts to malfunction immediately after replacing the component.
Call a dryer expert if the dryer continues to malfunction even after trying to reset it.
c) When there’s an error code
Though a reset won’t clear every error code that pops up on the screen of a Maytag dryer, you can consider it when dealing with a power-related error. That includes PF (for power failure), L2 (for low-line voltage), and any other you aren’t sure about.
d) After a power failure
Also, consider resetting your Neptune dryer after a power failure, even if the PF error code doesn’t power up. That’ll allow your dryer to restart quickly and let you use it as soon as possible.
e) When the dryer takes too long to dry
If your Maytag dryer won’t dry or takes forever to do it, and you are unsure why, you may consider resetting it. You can quickly do a hard or breaker reset and wait to see if the cycle will run normally.
In most cases, however, the dryer won’t dry or takes long due to restricted airflow. That means you should ensure the lint filter or dryer vent, which means you must inspect the two first and rule them out.
f) After a cycle interruption
It’s not a power failure that could interrupt a drying cycle. It could be something different, and if you are just not sure about the cause, consider resetting your Neptune dryer. That’ll at least allow you to restart the cycle.
g) When the motor won’t run
If the motor doesn’t run for a reason you are unsure about, consider resetting the dryer first. Do that before calling a dryer expert or replacing the motor. Sometimes, you must reset the motor quickly, and it’ll start running.
And remember, if the motor doesn’t run, the dryer won’t do its job – which means your clothes will remain wet.

h) When reversing to default or factory settings
At some point, you may want to reverse to your dryer’s original or factory settings. If so, a reset is advisable, and you can do the hard reset, breaker reset, or any other reset that the manufacturer prescribes on your dryer manual.
Maytag Neptune Dryer Reset Code
As I mentioned, you can reset your Neptune dryer to clear some error codes. While all the above techniques may work on most error codes, you may need an error code-specific reset technique.
And for you to arrive at the reset, you must first put your Maytag Neptune dryer on diagnostic mode.
Here’s how to go about it:
- Put your Neptune dryer on standby mode – it should be plugged in but not necessarily turned on
- Locate Chime and Temperature buttons on the control panel and press them simultaneously until you hear three beeps
- Allow the dryer to quickly run the diagnostic and press Wrinkle Prevent to access the codes
- Turn the Cycle Selector knob to view the codes
- Press Sensor-Dry + Time to clear or reset the error codes
- Power off the dryer to exit diagnostic mode
- Then power the dryer on to restart it
People Also Ask
1. Is There a Reset Button On a Maytag Neptune Dryer?
No, there’s no dedicated or standalone Maytag Neptune dryer reset button. What exist, however, that could serve as the reset button is the circuit breaker, which you can flip off for about 10 seconds to reset the dryer.
Alternatively, you can plug out the dryer for at least 10 seconds before plugging it back.
2. Where Is the Reset Button On a Maytag Dryer?
Most Maytag dryers don’t have a dedicated reset button. The button is, however, present in a few models, and you can locate it on the control panel. If you have trouble doing it, check your troubleshooting manual.
3. Why Is My Maytag Neptune Dryer Not Starting?
Your Maytag Neptune dryer may not start due to different issues. First, it could be an issue with the dryer’s incoming power. Simply put, your dryer might not be getting any power, or the incoming power could not be enough.
You can tell if your dryer lacks power if it doesn’t turn on. But if it does, look at other suspects, including active Control Lock, open dryer door, delayed start setting, or a non-engaged or faulty start button.
In the case of an active Control Lock, consider deactivating it, and in the case of an open door, ensure you firmly secure the door.
Also, turn off the delayed start setting and press the start button long enough (3-5 seconds) before releasing it to engage it. However, if the start button is damaged, you may want to replace it.
4. How Do You Start a Maytag Neptune Dryer?
Before starting a Maytag Neptune dryer, you must first ensure there’s power and firmly plug the dryer into the wall socket – not the power extension cord. Then, turn on the wall switch before pressing the start switch on the dryer for 3-5 seconds.
Remember, the dryer might not start if you only tap the start switch. You have to hold it down for a few seconds to engage it.
5. Why Does My Maytag Dryer Click But Won’t Start?
Your Maytag dryer clicks but won’t start because of a power fault. In most cases, the dryer is trying to tell you that you should check the thermal fuse as it could be faulty.
In such a case, you may want to perform the continuity test on the fuse to determine if it’s working. Typically, the lack of continuity confirms it’s not, and so you should replace it.
6. How Do You Test the Start Button On a Maytag Dryer?
The Maytag dryer start button is a switch like any other. For that reason, you can tell if it’s faulty by observation or by using a multimeter. By observation, I mean inspecting it for possible breakage.
And when it comes to the multimeter, probe it into the start button to determine if the switch has continuity. If it doesn’t, that confirms it’s defective.
Remember, however, that you need to press the start switch for at least 3 seconds before you can rule it out to be faulty. This button needs some time to engage the dryer into running.
Concluding Thought:
Now you have four options for performing the Maytag Neptune dryer reset. You can thus go ahead with the reset, depending on the issue affecting your Neptune dryer.
Remember, we are discussing issues like the dryer not starting (despite having power), taking long to dry, having an error code, and failing to start due to a power failure or cycle interruption, among many others.
While the above techniques will likely work on most Maytag Neptune dryers, you can’t overlook your manual. Consider it when you cannot reset your Neptune dryer using the four reset techniques or are unsure what’s wrong with it.
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