The Whirlpool Cabrio dryer features several critical components for its heating and drying performance. One such component is the heating element, and once it fails, a Whirlpool Cabrio dryer heating element replacement is necessary.
You can replace your Whirlpool Cabrio dryer using six simple steps: First, disconnect the dryer from the power, remove the rear access panel, detach the old heating element, and install the replacement. Then, reinstall the rear access panel and return the dryer to the power.
Once you do these six steps, you can successfully replace the heating element and get your dryer back working. That includes when the dryer won’t heat up or dry due to a bad heating element, and I’ll show you how to determine if that’s the case.
But first, let me explain the heating element on your dryer, what it does, and where you can locate it. After that, we’ll look at how it fails and the signs.
Here we go!

What’s The Heating Element On a Dryer?
The heating element is a coil-like component in the rear panel or behind the drum. Its job is to heat the air that the blower circulates, which helps the dryer get hot and dry the clothes. So, its failure affects the dryer’s drying and heating ability.
How Does the Heating Element Fail On a Whirlpool Cabrio Dryer?
Generally, the heating element on a Whirlpool Cabrio dryer fails in either of these two ways:
- Physical damage – If you mishandle it during a dryer repair or replacement.
- By burning – This could relate to a short-circuiting or power surge
When to Consider a Whirlpool Cabrio Dryer Heating Element Replacement
Are you wondering why or when you should change your dryer’s heating element? Well, you should do it in case of these signs:
1. When Your Whirlpool Cabrio Dryer Won’t Heat
There are different reasons why a Whirlpool Cabrio dryer won’t get hot, but one of the commonest is a burnt heating element. If the heating element is defective, it won’t heat the circulating cold air, which means the dryer’s interior will remain cold.
But still, the dryer may fail to heat up due to any of these reasons:
- Power outage
- Burnt fuse
- Tripped breaker
- Clogged lint screen or vent
- Excess wet load
- Extra-wet laundry
- Unlatched door
- Kinked vent
2. When Your Whirlpool Cabrio Dryer Won’t Dry
Logically, you don’t expect your dryer to dry the clothes if it doesn’t get hot in the first place. So, you’ve to ensure the dryer gets hot to be sure that it’ll dry the wet laundry.
Like in the first case, a bad heating element will prevent the dryer from drying clothes. But still, your Whirlpool Cabrio dryer won’t dry clothes due to other issues, such as the following:
- Inadequate power supply
- Dripping wet or excessive laundry
- Wrong setting, such as Air-Fluff, which doesn’t promote heating
- Clogged lint screen
- Clogged or kinked outside vent

3. When Your Whirlpool Cabrio Dryer Takes Too Long to Dry
If the heating element isn’t completely bad, it may allow the dryer to get hot. Unfortunately, the dryer may take too long to do it. You’ll have to wait forever for your Cabrio dryer to get hot.
At times, however, the cause for the prolonged drying time has nothing to do with the heating element. It could be as simple as a clogged lint screen or a kinked dryer vent.
How to Check a Bad Whirlpool Cabrio Dryer Heating Element?
Just to be sure that the heating element is really bad and avoid the other speculations shared above, you may want to do any of the following checks:
Option 1 – Observe Visually
You can tell if the heating element is defective by observing it. In such a case, look for signs of burn or breakages on the coil, and if that’s the case, then the heating element is defective.
Option 2 – Test with a Multimeter
Sometimes, you may not tell a defective dryer heating element just by looking at it. If so, you may want to test it with a multimeter. In this case, the lack of continuity confirms fault.
How Do You Change a Heating Element in A Whirlpool Cabrio?
Before discussing the basic steps for replacing the heating element on your Whirlpool Cabrio dryer, let’s highlight what you need.
- New heating element
- ¼-inch nut driver
- Slot screwdriver
- Nose pliers
- Empty containers to hold the screws
- Work gloves to protect your hands

Key Steps
With the above requirements, here are the six steps to replace heating element on Whirlpool Cabrio Dryer:
Step 1 – Disconnect the Cabrio dryer
Plug out the dryer from the wall outlet and push it away from the wall to create sufficient work clearance. The whole idea of plugging out the dryer is to avoid any electrocution once you open it up.
After that, put on the work gloves before proceeding to step 2.
Step 2 – Remove the rear access panel
Using the ¼-inch nut driver, unscrew the rear access panel and put it aside. Put the screws in the empty container.
Step 3 – Detach the old heating element
Use the screwdriver to unscrew the heating element assembly, which houses the heating element. The heating element assembly is a rectangular enclose, which you’ll quickly locate once you take out the rear panel.
After that, slide out the old heating element and visually inspect it or use the multimeter, as explained earlier, to confirm if it’s faulty. If it is not, put it back and close everything up. If it is, proceed to step 4.
Remember to detach any wires attached to the heating element before pulling it out.
Step 4 – Install the replacement heating element
Slid in the new heating element to the position of the old and screw back the heating element assembly. Then, reconnect any wires you had detached earlier.
Step 5 – Reinstall the rear access panel
Screw back the rear access panel as it was. Ensure it fits tight.
Step 6 – Restore the dryer to the power
Plug the dryer back into the power and push it close to the wall before powering it on.
Whirlpool Cabrio Dryer Heating Element Replacement Cost
Ordinarily, you may want to know the cost of replacing the heating element on your Whirlpool Cabrio dryer before proceeding with the replacement.
Since we are talking DIY, the only cost will be buying a new heating element, which you can get from Amazon or Whirlpool for $44-$207, depending on the dryer model. That is assuming you have the tools I shared earlier (1/4-inch driver, nose pliers, and slot screwdriver).
Note, however, that it may cost you much more if you hire a dryer expert to replace the heating element on your behalf.

People Also Ask
1. Can A Heating Element Be Replaced in A Dryer?
Yes, it’s possible to replace the heating element in a dryer. It’s one of the most straightforward dryer replacements you can do, and you don’t need a dryer expert to do it.
All it takes is to remove the rear access panel and loosen the heating element housing or assembly before swapping the old heating element with the new one.
2. Is It Hard to Change a Dryer Heating Element?
Internally, the heating element is one of the dryer’s most delicate components. So, you must be careful not to damage the coiled part when replacing it. But other than that, changing the dryer heating element is not hard. You can swiftly do it DIY and avoid the unnecessary dryer expert costs.
3. Are All Whirlpool Dryer Heating Elements the Same?
No, all Whirlpool dryer heating elements aren’t the same, and that’s why they come in different prices. These dryer components are usually differentiated by their part number, so you must look for a matching part number to replace your dryer’s heating element.
4. How Do I Test My Whirlpool Cabrio Dryer Heating Element?
The easiest and probably most convincing way to test a dryer heating element is by using a multimeter. If the heating element shows no continuity, consider replacing it. However, if the heating element has continuity, you should look for other reasons why your dryer won’t get hot or dry clothes.
5. Is Replacing the Heating Element in A Dryer Worth It?
The heating element is essential to the dryer. It’s one of the few internal components determining whether the dryer will get hot. If it’s faulty, the dryer won’t get hot, which means it won’t do its job (dry clothes). For that reason, it’s worth replacing the heating element.
Cost-wise, it’s cheaper to replace a heating element than the dryer. A new dryer cost about $350-$800, while some high-end options cost much more. On the other hand, you can get a replacement dryer heating element for $25-$50, depending on the dryer model.
6. Why is my Whirlpool Cabrio Dryer Not Heating Up?
Your Whirlpool Cabrio dryer might not be heating up due to different reasons. It could be that the dryer doesn’t have power and it needs power in the first place to get hot. If it has power, it could be that you are using a non-heating setting such as Air-Fluff or perhaps Wrinkle Control.
If nothing is wrong with the setting, it could be restricted airflow, whose cause could be a clogged lint screen or vent or even a kinked dryer vent. But if that’s not the case, it could be due to a defective heating element you’ll need to replace.
Don’t forget to check the laundry, as it could be too wet or extra-large, preventing the dryer from getting hot quickly.
7. How Much Does a Heating Element Cost for a Dryer?
Most dryer heating elements cost $25-$50; some are even cheaper. It’s, however, essential to go for a good quality option, which may cost more than $50 depending on the model. The other important consideration is the heating element part number, which should match that of the heating element you are replacing.
Concluding Thought:
Discussed are the six critical steps to a Whirlpool Cabrio dryer heating element replacement. As shared, the heating element is crucial for your dryer, enabling it to heat up and dry clothes. Once it fails, your Whirlpool Cabrio dryer won’t get hot or dry your wet clothes, and you don’t want that.
But clearly, you don’t need an expert to inspect or replace the heating element, as you can do it DIY, and it starts with the above troubleshooting guide.